This is our humble attempt to bring the gospel to a hungry world.   Here you will find writing that includes our annual Christmas Letters, Letters to the Editor from The State-Journal Register, and helpful links, all aimed at providing you with sound, biblical doctrine for your walk with Christ.   Stay awhile, look around, and spread the Word!


         We have (finally) completed updating The Watchmaker, our number one Christmas letter, which has had over 500,000 hits from many countries. We hope you will take the time to check it out.  On a sad note, we have lost China.  We were getting from 100 to 500 hits a day and then it went to 0 overnight.  I can only assume that the Chinese government has blocked our website.  I wish I knew how to get China back, the people there are hungry for information like this.


         The theme for this website is the “Glossy Stylo” for WordPress by aliwkbg, but our webmaster, Big Mike Morgan, has devoted many hours transforming it to suit our needs while maintaining the appearance we like so much.
         For my part I write, but nothing I write would be worthy of the time you spend reading it without the editing and input that I receive from Michael and Sheri.  They are my son and daughter-in-law who I like to think of as the daughter I always hoped for.
         Like the Little Drummer Boy we have no gift that is fit for the King, but we do our best with what we have to honor Him, and hope that He will smile at us too. 

Some Thoughts

         I have always believed that when my time comes I will go out with a “sword in my hand.”   Although I used that expression metaphorically, I never realized the “sword” I will carry is the Bible.

         “In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one.   Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.”

Ephesians 6: 16-17

Zechariah 7:13

      Since the dawn of Covid many “Christians” have been fervently praying Second Chronicles 7:14, “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

       But Covid keeps mutating into new strains while RSV and influenza continue to fill emergency wards. Inflation and other economic woes keep increasing.

       We are living in post-Christian America and no longer can we say that America is a Christian nation. God, who is Truth, has been taken out of our schools and our lives and has been replaced with whatever we deem to be truth.

       And yet people keep praying Chronicles like it was a magic key that would open the door to Gods grace and “heal our land.” But we haven’t turned from our “wicked ways.” Although Roe v Wade has been overturned abortion continues and we are still sacrificing our children to the god of convenience.

       “When I called, they did not listen; so when they called, I would not listen, says the Lord Almighty.” Zechariah 7:13

God Is In Control  

            Not too long after the word Covid entered our vocabulary I made a simple statement that I thought would be obvious to all… God is in control. But apparently it wasn’t so obvious and it even made some people angry with me and with “God.”

            While the world frantically searched for a vaccine to control and eliminate Covid, I said that Covid could not be stopped until God allowed it to be. God is the creator of science and will always be one step ahead of the worlds scientists. Then came the vaccines to prove me wrong, but then came the variants, Delta followed by Omicron. I believe that until we acknowledge that God is in control and come to him we could see one variant after another.

            The Bible tells us that we have today and tomorrow is not guaranteed. If Covid, a constantly expanding and self serving Federal Government, Big Pharma, and a politically biased MSM have made people aware of that fact, then Lord willing, maybe some good will come out of this.

One Response to

  1. Doyle Spohn says:

    Merry Christmas God is so good

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